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Zara's Connection Club

Zara's Connection Club (ZCC) was founded by Jenna Brown, a student at a high school in NYC.


ZCC has three goals: 

  • To educate members of the community about Zimbabwe's history and current events in the country.

  • To establish connections (via video and email) between USA-based students and the young adults at Zara's Center (and at other schools/community centers in Zimbabwe as the project grows).

  • To raise funds and gather donations of most-needed items to send to Zara's Center.

Recent Guest Speakers

Tamary Kudita

Tamary Kudita

Martin Ganda

Martin Ganda

Peacemaker Ncube

Peacemaker Ncube

Goodwell Nzou

Goodwell Nzou

ZCC Donations to Zara's Center

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